Secure the financial future of your loved ones with Turtleneck
Protection up to 400'000€/CHF and premiums as little as 3,20€/CHF!
Excellent 4.4 out of 5
Why choose TurtleneckYour Life, Your Most Precious Asset - Make Smart Choices

Premium from €3.20 per month
And coverage up to €400'000

Cancel whenever you want
And at no additional cost

You choose the beneficiary
By editing free of charge from the customer account

Flexible coverage - forever
Increase or decrease without costs
Turtleneck comes in two versions
Coverage (EUR/CHF)100.000to 400.000
Monthly cost (EUR/CHF)2.50from 7.25
Coverage for accidental death
Coverage for health-related deathNo
Natural death coverNo
Possibility to upgrade
Online membership management
Cancel at any time
Possibility of appointing other beneficiariesNo
Medical examinationNoNo
General conditions
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Low-costTurtleneck brings the advantages of the sharing economy in the realm of life insurance, making it affordable and efficient.TransparentTurtleneck is transparent, with its one page general conditions, clear stated costs, 24/7 account monitoring and the possibility to leave at any time.DigitalEvery process on Turtleneck is online. You have full control, day and night, desktop or mobile.
Insurance can be easy
You are 30 years old and you are a happy father or mother. You want to protect your family or build a house. To have peace of mind you become a member of Turtleneck that will support your family with 100’000 EUR in case of your unexpected death. A Turtleneck membership costs you 37 EUR for this year. Turtleneck keeps 18 EUR to run everything (1.50 EUR/month). The remaining 19 EUR are kept in your Turtleneck account and will be used only in case of another member's death. If no other member dies, your payment for the next year will be lower. In case there are not bad events, Turtleneck will return you the 19 EUR, available for the next year
How is that possible?

Unlike classical insurance companies, Turtleneck charges its members only an annual fee and when a member dies, directly withdrawn from the annual premium. Should an unlikely worst-case scenario not occur, there is no reason to ask for a full payment next year.
Turtleneck is transparent.

Your money will be used when needed, and only then!
How does it work?
Imagine your annual premium as your own personal Turtleneck balance from which we take 24 EUR/CHF of management costs (2 EUR/CHF per month) and on which you can always have full view in your client area.


Should a community member pass away, Turtleneck arranges for the payment of the coverage granted to the heirs of that member. The money is collected proportionally from each member's Turtleneck balance. Turtleneck pays the rest; in the end, we are an insurance company!


Exactly like a checking account, at the end of the year the money left in your Turtleneck balance is carried over and discounted from your new premium. If, on the other hand, you decide not to renew your policy, they are paid directly into your checking account.
What is charged to your Turtleneck account?
On your deposit, Turtleneck is charging a monthly administration fee of 1.50 EUR. Besides your contribution to settle death cases (called supportive contribution), nothing else will be charged. You always have control over what happens on the money in your wallet.

LET’S SEE SOME NUMBERSThis example shows how the extract of your wallet would look like after a couple of years of Turtleneck membership. Let’s compare what you pay with Turtleneck with respect to a classical insurance with the same premium.
Your car is insured! ..but what about your loved ones?Compare the value of your car with the value of your compare the price of your car insurance with the price of your life insurance. What matters most? Turtleneck makes this difference even bigger and life insurance a no brainer. What are you waiting for?
Calculate your premium
Frequently Asked QuestionsThere are no dumb questions
Turtleneck is an insurance, as it was 200 years ago. It is about people mutually and transparently protecting each other. There is no actuary actually trying to estimate your chance of living a long life, instead we look at what happens to our members.
Yes, you can cancel Turtleneck at any time and have the balance of your wallet reimbursed.
Since we charge death cases only when they happen and not based on statistics, nothing could be cheaper than Turtleneck.
Starting a membership on Turtleneck is very quick. It can be done online and you see immediate quotes.
Yes, you can. You should choose your coverage according to your needs. The more coverage you require, the higher your initial payment and supportive contributions will be.
The exact amount will be communicated at the beginning of every year and depends on how many claims have been regulated during the previous year and your age. The maximal amount will be communicated at the time of subscription.
Members with increased risk, who are older, or who have more coverage, will be asked to contribute more.
Turtleneck Instant covers only from accidental death, but it can be subscribed by everyone within one minute.
Turtleneck is managed by Squarelife, a regulated life insurance company. Behind Turtleneck there are also the big names in the reinsurance industry.